Saturday, 23 March 2013

3 1/2 mths update - feeling positive


Since my last update Nick has been back to see his consultant. Nick found the visit incredibly encouraging because...

  • His consultant told him how much better Nick is now compared to pre-op (always good to hear)
  • There was no suggestion of anything else going on/wrong
  • The main issue now seems to be Nick's loss of muscle strength, particularly in his core, and
  • He needs to continue to mobilise his lower back

The strength point was particularly encouraging for Nick as he knows that with good guidance from his physio and some hard work he can build his strength back up. It is just a question of putting in the hard work, which Nick is very happy to do.


After seeing the consultant Nick saw his physio again (the consultant was insistent that his program was managed by his physio) who has given him some core strength exercises. Nick is attacking them with gusto and even after only a few days is seeing improvements. Yeah!


In terms of school, Nick is still managing full days but finding it tough. On days when he can't get to lie down at break/lunch pain can start to kick in again which in turn tires him further. But he is just about managing it and term ends in a weeks time so not long to go.


So overall pretty positive and looking forward to improvements continuing.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

3 months post-op

Well, Nick is now 3 months post-op and somehow 3 months feels like a landmark. I should have written this update a few days ago, but it was his 16th birthday yesterday and I wanted him to enjoy his birthday rather than thinking about his back.

Bit of a sideline, but he wanted a tennis theme for his birthday cake to celebrate getting back on court. So not my best ever cake, but it does undeniably have a tennis theme...

And another shot from his birthday - sitting by the sofa enjoying some time with his brother. It is easy to forget that a few months ago he wouldn't have been able to sit like this...

Anyway, where is Nick at?

Generally, he is continuing as he was, making slow but steady progress. He is still a long long way from being back to normal though. We are due to see his consultant tomorrow. This was following Nick's physio's concerns that something may not be quite right as she feels he is not progressing as quickly as she would have hoped. I will update next week as to what his consultant says.

At the moment...

  • Sitting. Able to sit reasonable lengths of time, but is invariably tired and a little sore if he sits for too long
  • Exercise. Still continuing his physio exercises but also playing tennis for about 20 minutes twice a week. Feels quite achy afterwards, even though he does stretch before and after playing.
  • Standing. When not tired and pain free, he can stand straight. Otherwise he tends to tilt his pelvis and looks quite awkward.
  • Bending. Still struggling to bend forwards.
  • Muscles. Generally he says they feel fine, at least for the obvious ones (hams, glutes, calves etc). Stretching them every day.
  • School. Managing normal school days, though usually tired and achy at the end of the day. Generally manages to complete his homework in the evenings but sometimes too tired and achy to sit up to do it.
  • Sciatic pain - none
  • Emotionally. Feels 'alright', says he feels 'happy and sad'. Happy because he is playing some tennis, sad because he's not better and still has problems.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

12 weeks post-op - all change!

OK. Two stages to this post. The first was written by Nick and myself together whist waiting this evening for Nick to have his sports massage. The second was written after the sports massage....

Pre massage...

Nick's overall view - A bit unsure about it all, I thought doing OK but physio not so sure. Heading back to see consultant next week on physio's advice. Chose to lie in this morning rather than get up early for physio exercises and this helped - no pain at breakfast time.

  • Sitting - 'not bad', by the end of the day becomes a little problematic, meaning back, leg and buttocks sore
  • Standing - if moving, OK. Dislikes standing still. Very sore and tends hunch forwards into wrong posture. Says it can feel strange to stand straight.
  • Sciatic pain - has some pain in his thigh and buttocks. He's not sure of it's sciatic pain or not.
  • Straight leg raise. Yesterday, before warm up about 40-50 degrees, after warm up about 60 degrees. Muscle tightness and a little pain in thigh is restrictive aspect
  • Exercise. Done a few sessions of tennis, about 20 minutes each although feels that he may have overdone it. Tried football - not a good idea.
  • Physio exercises - no change.
  • Bending forwards - in physio yesterday managed a few inches past knees.
  • School - managing full days days at school, but finding it tough to keep up with homework.
  • Emotionally - says he's feeling 'alright, OK'. Happy to be back on court.
  • Worried about the possibility of potential other problems.
And after the sports massage...
  • Feeling great.
  • Achieved personal best on straight leg raise - 65 degrees
  • Standing straight without pain
  • Complete turnaround from before

Which I think shows you how his mood, state of mind and physical state can change so easily!


Wednesday, 6 March 2013

12 weeks post-op, pre-script

Feeling absolutely crap. Four hours ago I was feeling great. Nick was managing full days at school, hardly reporting any pain and has even been on court a few times. We seemed to be finally getting there.

Then we went to the physio. Physio wants him to go back to see the surgeon. To cut a long conversation short, she feels something is wrong and that he should be making quicker progress. It feels like we are back to square one again, with that sinking feeling that the person treating Nick doesn't know what to do.

But it's late and I've had a pretty lousy day today, so perhaps it will all look better tomorrow. Will try to post a less emotional and more objective 12 week summary tomorrow.

Friday, 1 March 2013