Since my last update Nick has been back to see his consultant. Nick found the visit incredibly encouraging because...
- His consultant told him how much better Nick is now compared to pre-op (always good to hear)
- There was no suggestion of anything else going on/wrong
- The main issue now seems to be Nick's loss of muscle strength, particularly in his core, and
- He needs to continue to mobilise his lower back
The strength point was particularly encouraging for Nick as he knows that with good guidance from his physio and some hard work he can build his strength back up. It is just a question of putting in the hard work, which Nick is very happy to do.
After seeing the consultant Nick saw his physio again (the consultant was insistent that his program was managed by his physio) who has given him some core strength exercises. Nick is attacking them with gusto and even after only a few days is seeing improvements. Yeah!
In terms of school, Nick is still managing full days but finding it tough. On days when he can't get to lie down at break/lunch pain can start to kick in again which in turn tires him further. But he is just about managing it and term ends in a weeks time so not long to go.
So overall pretty positive and looking forward to improvements continuing.