1 week post op stretches

Below are the physio stretches that Nick started at one week post op. They are based on the basic stretches that he started after the operation less the ankle flex and knee pushes, and with bridging (pelvic tilt), the clam and sit to stand added in. Again, the emphasis is on control, not speed or quantity.

1. Bridging (pelvic tilt)

Lying on back, push back into the floor, squeeze glutes and lift bum gently. Repeat 10 times.
2. The Clam

Lying on side with knees bent and feet together. Hips vertically aligned. Lift top knee up, making sure hips do not roll. Start with 2 x 10 reps each side, progress to 3 x 15 each side.

3. Sit to Stand
Sit with crossed over chest. Gently stand up keeping back as straight as possible. Then sit down again. Repeat 10 times as often as possible. Nick found his hamstrings hurt a little with this one, so we started off only doing three times a day until his hamstrings had built up strength.

4. Buttock squeeze

With legs straight squeeze buttocks together and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

5. Leg extension

Lying on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor. Slowly slide one foot away from you until leg fully extended. Do this very slowly, making sure that your back and pelvis are kept still. Repeat for the other leg. Do 20 overall, ie 10 for each leg.

6. Double knee roll

Both knees together and bent, with feet on the floor. Very slowly and gently roll both knees together to one side KEEPING HIP AND PELVIS stationary and touching the floor. Initially Nick could only roll them a few cms. Repeat 10 times each side.

7. Single knee roll

Knees bent, feet on floor slowly let one knee fall out to the side with the other knee being kept still. Again keep hips and pelvis stationary. Repeat 10 times each knee.

Nick found it best to ice his back after each session of physio stretches.

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