Friday, 23 August 2013

8 months post-op

Nick is now comfortably past 8 months post-op. He is doing extremely well....

  • Saw his physio last week who is very pleased with him. She was delighted to see him touch the floor with legs straight. He is also no longer lopsided when bending forwards.
  • His core muscles are now kicking in, which in turn supports him properly. He stands straight and tall - something we hadn't seen in a long time.
  • Straight leg raise is about 85 deg on left side and about 80 deg on his right, so still some residual tightness in his right side, but levels are above what most people would achieve ordinarily so he is happy with that.
  • No sciatic or back pain at all.
  • He managed to do his tennis academy squads last week each day, which involves about 4 hours of fitness and tennis each day (plus an hour of cycling to/from the centre) with no bad effects on his back.
  • Although his physio feels it is not necessary for him to see her again he is going to continue his movement work which has been working so well for him.

He now regards his injury as something in the past rather than a current issue, although he is very aware that he needs to keep up his fitness and core strength work. His tennis isn't quite back to where he was before, but he is making rapid progress in getting there and he is certainly now confidant that he will get there.