Sunday, 6 January 2013

3 weeks + 5 days - something happening

Something's happening but we are not quite sure what....

Straight off this morning Nick found it painful to lie on the floor with his legs out straight, but at the same time he was saying that his back felt looser and more flexible when standing. So rather than persist with his stretches he went for a short walk. Came back feeling a lot better, and could then lie down and do his stretches. The pain had been in his buttocks, and he described it like pulling a muscle (and as a sports person he does know what that feels like). Not sciatic and nothing in his back and no more than the normal slight ache in his calf.

During the day he followed his three week post op routine. In the afternoon he ended up lying on his bedroom floor (only because he couldn't be bothered to carry his school books downstairs to the living room). When he got up to do some lunges he had the pain in his buttock back again. So again, went for a walk which helped but the pain was still there. Lay down flat on his back and after about 20 minutes realised that he could stretch his legs out again.

We concluded that it felt more muscular than a nerve issue so I massaged some Deep Heat in to see if that would help. His glutes were very tight and massaging them resulted in some pain in his buttocks and calf. But at the time of writing this he seems fine again.

He's seeing his physio tomorrow so with any luck she might be able to shed some light on this. The only other thing that has happened is that he has what looks like an infected tummy button, but I can't see how that could be connected to his micro-discectomy!

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