10 weeks post op and I have to admit that I'm not entirely sure where Nick is at. This week has had it's ups and downs, some improvements and some setbacks....
- Last week he managed three half days at school and then the half term break started. On the positive side, it felt like he was managing greater chunks of time at school, and by the end of the week he managed a double lesson without having to get up in the middle. On the other hand, he still needs to lie down at break, lunch and free periods and he didn't manage a full day.
- He had a school trip to the theatre one evening for his GCSE controlled assessment - 2 hours and 20 minutes including the interval. When he got home he seemed OK - certainly a lot better than I was expecting and he didn't want a painkiller. But the next morning he was absolutely exhausted and didn't make it into school until lunchtime. But at least he made it.
- Sitting - still a problem, but he hasn't done much in the last few days as he is taking the half-term break as an opportunity to rest as much as possible
- Posture - generally good except when in pain
- Straight leg raise, about 60 degrees on one side, 90 degrees on the other
- Exercise - not doing much. Doing his physio exercises (same as last week) but focusing on his pelvic tilts. He thinks that they are getting easier, but he's not sure. I'm doing a lot of hamstring stretches with him.
- Tennis. His physio said that he could try some gentle hitting, max 15 mins every 2 to 3 days. He hit against the wall in our garden yesterday and said that it felt OK. He was a little stiff in unexpected places afterwards, but the stiffness seems to have gone today so I suspect just a case of waking up some muscles.
- Sciatic pain - not routinely mentioning any. A little reoccurrence when stretching his hamstrings out fully.
- Buttock pain - seems to gone completely, at last.
- Bending forwards. No change and he is getting increasingly frustrated by this. I noticed that when he bends over with his knees bent then he is quite lopsided. When I took the photo below he swore to me that he was even, and didn't believe otherwise until I showed him the photo.
- Sports massage. Is loving them. And coped much better with school the day afterwards. Next one tomorrow.
Emotionally. Tricky this one! He sort of lost the plot a little over the last few days and ended up doing pretty much not much at all other than lying on the floor. In the end I lost my temper with him and that seems to have jolted him out of it and today he has been back to doing his exercise with gusto. And he has resumed his school work too. I felt pretty crap, but I knew that he needed it.
Overall, if I am being honest both Nick and I are a bit concerned that he has not improved more. We both keep being told that it will take a long time but sometimes I wonder if we are clutching at straws when we see an improvement. And I spend a lot of my time trying to stop myself worrying about it. But it's not easy! I keep deciding to book an appointment with our GP, but then I don't as I wonder whether we are just being impatient. I am beginning to try and find out where he should be at at 3 months post op as we are nearly there and 3 months seems like a long time.
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