Monday, 9 April 2018


So, I forgot to publish my last post in February so dates of these posts now slightly askew!

Since February we have managed to find a great physio and s&c combo and Nick started working with them about 4 weeks ago. His pain is reducing but not fully resolved yet. He is also doing Pilates at least once a week.

To me, he seems to be standing straight again and not swerving when bending over (which he was doing quite badly before). So progress! He is, however, feeling a little disheartened as to how long it is taking.

We went to see a pain management doctor today and have now managed to get on the list for an epidural as the spinal consultant recommended. Unfortunately Nick's medical insurance won’t cover this so we are having to go through the NHS route, hence why it is taking so long. They reckoned it would be about 2 months before the appointment comes through, but at least he is now in the system and on the waiting list.

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