Sunday 9 December 2012

2 days pre-op

Nick on good form. Off to watch his football team play a league match, armed with a chair to sit on and well wrapped up to keep warm.

Continuing pre-op preparations. Main ones so far....


- ordered a bed table so that he can use his laptop whilst lying flat

- liaising with school re how he will catch up on school work

- pre-booking appointments with his physio for post-op rehab

- checking first aid kit for Deep Freeze, Deep Heat, Steri-strips, paddings, vitamin E oil, ibuprofen, paracetamol etc

- putting together a list of basic stretches for the period between op and seeing his physio

- bought a pedometer so he can monitor his walking progress

- bringing together books for him to read

- trying to clear my own to do list and emails

- working out how to update the blog through my iPad!

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