Sunday 16 December 2012

5 days post op

4.30 pm. I haven't been at home today so my husband has been looking after Nick. All seems to have gone well. He's followed our daily routine of stretches, walk, stretches with ice afterwards. He's due to go for a walk in half an hour and a thunderstorm has just started, but Nick says he still wants to walk so I guess that's good news. No painkillers taken so far. Still lying on the floor. Pretty chirpy and happy.

5.30 pm. Just found the piece of paper which Nick has been using to record his day on. Just for the record....Stretches 9.45 am, walk 1 pm (0.6 km), stretches 3 pm and just done another walk 5 pm (1 km).

7.30 pm. Did stretches at 7pm, had supper and then did the washing up (bit unlucky for him that he can stand enough to do the washing up!). He's started to talk about doing some school work tomorrow so I'm thinking that he must be feeling better, or possibly very bored.

10.30 pm. Am very pleased that Nick has got through today with no painkillers. My other son was saying, again, how amazing it is to see him standing properly again. Just really hopeful that this great progress continues.

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